Interview with Star Shuz – creator of “The Eclipse” & BTS Music Videos

This interview was conducted by moderator Penny (fazestudio).

Penny: How was your experience this year with the Plumbbob Awards?

Star Shuz: It was my first time ever hearing about awards and film festivals for sims directors and so initially I thought it was such a great way to celebrate the talent that we have in the community. It was also my first time ever entering something like this. I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the awards. I thought it was a great place to meet directors and watch some new machinima. I also loved the fact that there was a Discord group, where you could go to ask any questions you might have and also chat with other directors. The feedback we received was so incredibly helpful and so detailed. I’ve started to take the constructive feedback on board and started making some improvements. So thank you.

Star Shuz – The Eclipse
Star Shuz – On
Star Shuz – Euphoria

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